Stress is unfortunately just as common a part of life as eating a sandwich or popping out to the shop to buy some milk. It’s an unavoidable part of everyday life and some are able to handle it better than others. It is, of course, all in the mind, it’s how your brain processes that stress that impacts how you deal with it. And of course, there are some situations that are more stressful than you have dealt with before, and they can come from anywhere and sometimes without warning. You simply may not have dealt with this level of it before and you are starting to feel the weight of it. Through hypnosis, we can help your brain retrain itself with how stress is managed; assist you in reacting to it in a calm and logical way- rather than letting the fear of the worst-case scenario consume you. All too often we catastrophise; overthink a problem that is really very simple and it is something you can learn to recognise and put a stop to. Together, we will give you back control and help ease that weight you can sometimes feel trapped under.